Thursday, April 25, 2013

1st Grade News

May 2013


Vocabulary assessment ends – May 3 (continue reading logs)

Last math homework and Weekly Review – May 10

Field Day – May 17


Awards day/Last day – May 22

Learning Objectives

Week of April 29- May 3
Language Arts: Alexander Graham Bell
Comprehension: text features of non-fiction
Phonics: aw, au (straw, sauce)
Vocabulary: built, early, learn, science
              Last assessment
Writing: completing portfolios
Math – MST / begin measurement
Social Studies: ways to communicate in the past
Derby activities
Week of May 6 - 10
Language Arts: Benchmarking
Comprehension:  Fluency and inference
Phonics: Review
Vocabulary: sight word assessments
Writing: completing portfolios
Math measurement
Science – inventors and inventions
Week of May 13 - 17
Language Arts: Ben Franklin
Comprehension: central message/main idea
Phonics: prefixes un and re/  long o words
Vocabulary: sight word assessments
Writing: portfolio closure
Math – finish measurement / review skills
Science – inventions and inventors
Week of May 20-22
May 22 – Awards day
First grade time is 10:00-45 for school wide awards.  Check with your teacher for any other time/event they may schedule. 
If your sign your child out early on that day it
affects perfect attendance for the year/9weeks.

Please continue to have your child:

  • Wear/bring tennis shoes for recess and P. E.
  • Read every night.
  • Study for vocabulary and weekly review assessment.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

1st Grade News

April 2013




The daily agenda is likely to change when grades 3-5 begin STATE testing.

Learning Objectives

Week of April 8 – 12
Language Arts: Mole and Baby Bird
Comprehension: Comparing texts
Phonics: ou (cloud, mouse) VCV
Vocabulary: door, loved, should, would
Writing: non-fiction,  opinion pieces
Math – geometry/fractions
Social Studies: good citizens
Week of April 15 – 19
Language Arts: Dot and Jabber
Comprehension:  Comparing characters
Phonics: oo (book) and inflected endings
Vocabulary:  among, another, instead, none
Writing: non-fiction,  opinion pieces
Math geometry/fractions
Science – Plant life cycle
Week of April 22 – 26
Language Arts: Simple Machines
Comprehension: author’s craft, informational
Phonics: oi, oy (soil, toy) and suffixes
Vocabulary:  against, goes, heavy, kinds, today
Writing: non-fiction, “all about” pieces
Math – geometry /fractions
Science – how machines work
Week of April 29 – May 3
Language Arts: Alexander Graham Bell
Comprehension:  text features of non-fiction
Phonics: aw, au (straw, sauce)
Vocabulary: built, early, learn, science, through
Writing:  non-fiction, “all about” pieces
Math – measurement
Science – ways to communicate of the past

Please continue to have your child:

  • Wear/bring tennis shoes for recess and P. E.
  • Read every night.
  • Study for vocabulary and weekly review assessment.

Monday, March 4, 2013



March 4-8- Review week and benchmarking

March 12- Permission slips and payment due

March 13-22- Book fair

March 15- No School

March 18- Field Trip (Singletary Center)

March 19- Family Night at the Book fair

April 1-5- Spring Break

Please continue to have your child:

Bring or wear tennis shoes everyday!!

Read every night and complete weekly math homework.

Study for Vocabulary and Weekly Review.

Learning Objectives

Week of Feb. 4-8
Language Arts:
Spiral Review
Read Across America
Reading Benchmarking
Writing-  Flat Stanley Letters
Math- Spiral Review, Assessment
Week of  Mar 11-15
Language Arts:
Compound words
Vowel sounds ew, ue, ui
Describe elements of a story using key details
(characters, setting, major events)
Writing- identifying adjectives (how many)
Math Graphing data, Reading a graph
NO SCHOOL- March 15th
Week of Mar 18-22
Language Arts:
Words with suffixes ly/-ful
Words with oo (like in moon)
Using illustrations and details to describe characters,   settings, events
Counting syllables in a word
Writing:  identifying adjectives that compare
 Math: Graphing Data, Reading a graph
Week of March 25-29
Language Arts:
Dipthongs (ow/ou)
Words with consonant plus le (ex. simple, paddle)
Review Skills-Character, Setting, Plot
Writing:  Sentences that make commands.
Math:  Spiral Review (Addition/Subtraction)

Helping Hands at Home:


Please continue to study for Weekly Review Assessments and Vocabulary Assessments. J


Report Cards will be going home on March 14th for the 3rd nine weeks.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

1st Grade Newsletter for February


February 4- Weekly vocabulary study begins
February 14 and 15- Valentine’s Day Celebrations
**Week of February 4-8 we will start vocabulary homework**

Please continue to have your child:
Bring or wear tennis shoes everyday!!
Read every night and complete weekly math homework.
Study for Vocabulary and Weekly Review.

Learning Objectives
Week of Feb. 4-8

Language Arts:
ai, ay words
retelling stories (understanding the central message)
compare/contrast (customs and traditions)
Writing-  adjectives, common possessive nouns
Math- subtracting ten, choosing strategies to subtract    groups of ten
Week of  Feb. 11-15

Language Arts:
long ‘e’ words
words with inflected endings
retelling a story/key details
Writing- identifying adjectives (colors and shapes)
Math time (seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years), identifying different parts of a clock, identifying to types of clocks (analog and digital)

Week of Feb. 18-22

Language Arts:
long “o” words
words with 3 letter blends
identifying main topic, identifying key details
Writing:  identifying adjectives (sizes),
              similar verbs (look/peek, glance/stare)
Math: telling time to the hour

Week of Feb. 25-Mar. 1

Language Arts:
long  ie/igh words
kn, wr words
words and phrases that suggest feelings in a story
Writing:  adjectives for what kind
Math:  telling time to the half-hour

Helping Hands at Home:

Please continue to study for Weekly Review Assessments (these scores let us know how well your child is progressing through first grade content).  Also, don’t be alarmed if the assessment questions are asked a little differently from the review…we are assessing the skill not the exact format of the question which helps us to see how well they understand the concept.  Please feel free to let us know if you have any questions.  The First Grade Team J

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

January News Letter

1st Grade Newsletter for January
January 2nd- Welcome Back
January 21st- NO SCHOOL MLK Day
**Week of January 2-4 will be a review week**


  Please continue to have your child:
Bring or wear tennis shoes everyday!!
Read every night and complete weekly math homework.
Study for Spelling and Weekly Review.

Learning Objectives
Week of Jan. 7-11

Language Arts:
Plural es words
r-controlled -or, -ore words
Characteristics of Fiction

Writing-  verbs that do not add -s
Math- comparing 10’s and 1’s
          greater than, less than, and equal to >, <, =

Week of  Jan. 14-18

Language Arts:
Inflected ending ed, -ing words
r-controlled ar words

Writing- past and present tense verbs
Math number bonds and expanded form (#’s to 100)

Week of Jan. 21-25

Language Arts:
r-controlled vowel words (ei,ir,ur)
Key details in an informational text
Contractions with ‘s, ‘ve, and ‘re

Writing:  Exclamatory sentences
Math: compose/decompose tens to add and subtract to 100 (1 more, 1 less, 10 more, 10 less)
Week of Jan. 28-Feb.1

Language Arts:
Comparative endings er, -est
Words that end with dge
compare/contrast characters
Characteristics of Poetry
Writing: contractions with not
Math: addition and subtraction to 100

Helping Hands at Home:

Please log on to for additional online resources (in the event we miss school due to snow days) to help your child develop academically.  To get visitor access enter:  nancymoore (no space) –at this time in your child’s development it is easy to forget skills and regress in a short amount of time, please continue to read and practice those skills in the event of any snow days.