1st Grade Newsletter for February
February 4- Weekly vocabulary study begins
February 14 and 15- Valentine’s Day Celebrations
**Week of February 4-8 we will start vocabulary homework**
Please continue to have your child:
Bring or wear tennis shoes everyday!!
Read every night and complete weekly math homework.
Study for Vocabulary and Weekly Review.
Learning Objectives
Week of Feb. 4-8
Language Arts:
ai, ay words
retelling stories (understanding the central message)
compare/contrast (customs and traditions)
Writing- adjectives, common possessive nouns
Math- subtracting ten, choosing strategies to subtract groups of ten
Week of Feb. 11-15
Language Arts:
long ‘e’ words
words with inflected endings
retelling a story/key details
Writing- identifying adjectives (colors and shapes)
Math – time (seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years), identifying different parts of a clock, identifying to types of clocks (analog and digital)
Week of Feb. 18-22
Language Arts:
long “o” words
words with 3 letter blends
identifying main topic, identifying key details
Writing: identifying adjectives (sizes),
similar verbs (look/peek, glance/stare)
Math: telling time to the hour
Week of Feb. 25-Mar. 1
Language Arts:
long ie/igh words
kn, wr words
words and phrases that suggest feelings in a story
Writing: adjectives for what kind
Math: telling time to the half-hour
Helping Hands at Home:
Please continue to study for Weekly Review Assessments (these scores let us know how well your child is progressing through first grade content). Also, don’t be alarmed if the assessment questions are asked a little differently from the review…we are assessing the skill not the exact format of the question which helps us to see how well they understand the concept. Please feel free to let us know if you have any questions. The First Grade Team J