Wednesday, January 2, 2013

January News Letter

1st Grade Newsletter for January
January 2nd- Welcome Back
January 21st- NO SCHOOL MLK Day
**Week of January 2-4 will be a review week**


  Please continue to have your child:
Bring or wear tennis shoes everyday!!
Read every night and complete weekly math homework.
Study for Spelling and Weekly Review.

Learning Objectives
Week of Jan. 7-11

Language Arts:
Plural es words
r-controlled -or, -ore words
Characteristics of Fiction

Writing-  verbs that do not add -s
Math- comparing 10’s and 1’s
          greater than, less than, and equal to >, <, =

Week of  Jan. 14-18

Language Arts:
Inflected ending ed, -ing words
r-controlled ar words

Writing- past and present tense verbs
Math number bonds and expanded form (#’s to 100)

Week of Jan. 21-25

Language Arts:
r-controlled vowel words (ei,ir,ur)
Key details in an informational text
Contractions with ‘s, ‘ve, and ‘re

Writing:  Exclamatory sentences
Math: compose/decompose tens to add and subtract to 100 (1 more, 1 less, 10 more, 10 less)
Week of Jan. 28-Feb.1

Language Arts:
Comparative endings er, -est
Words that end with dge
compare/contrast characters
Characteristics of Poetry
Writing: contractions with not
Math: addition and subtraction to 100

Helping Hands at Home:

Please log on to for additional online resources (in the event we miss school due to snow days) to help your child develop academically.  To get visitor access enter:  nancymoore (no space) –at this time in your child’s development it is easy to forget skills and regress in a short amount of time, please continue to read and practice those skills in the event of any snow days.