Tuesday, September 11, 2012

First Grade needs YOUR HELP with the Fall Festival!

The First Grade Team is excited about the upcoming Western Fall Festival on September 28th!  However, we need your help to make it a success for our students.  There are two ways that you can get involved:
1.     “Hop on Pop”- The first grade teachers will be introducing a fun, new game in honor of the late, great Dr. Suess, at the Carnival this year.  For this game we need donations of canned pop.  (Generic pop is wonderful…more for the money!)  Please send in these donations by Tuesday, September 25th.
2.   “Cock-a-doodle doo, Good Morning to you”- The first grade team will also be putting together breakfast themed baskets to be sold at the Silent Auction during the Fall Festival.  We would love donations of breakfast items.  Ideas to get you started are pancake mix, coffee, hot chocolate mix, jams, mini boxes of cereal, muffin mix, etc.  Be creative!  Donations due by Tuesday, September 25th.
Donations to both of these projects benefit your child because all proceeds from the game and the baskets come right back to the first grade team.  All money raised will be used this school year for the purchase of new reading materials for our first graders.

September Newsletter

1st Grade Newsletter for September
September 5th,6th- Sack Lunches in the Classroom
September 7th- Grandparents Day
September 11th- Muffins with Mom starting at 7:30
**October 17th- Field Trip**


Please continue to have your child:
Bring or wear tennis shoes everyday!!
Read every night and complete weekly math homework.
Study for spelling.

Learning Objectives
Week of Sept. 4-7

Language Arts:
Words with inflected endings (-s,-ing)
Main Idea and Author’s Purpose
Writing-  word order in sentences
Math- addition to 10

Week of  Sept.10-14

Language Arts:
Short  ‘e’  words
Author’s Purpose
Consonant Blends (sl, sm, sn)
Writing- Telling Sentences (makes a statement)
Math addition to 20

Week of Sept. 17-21
Language Arts:
Short ‘u’ words
Cause and Effect
Final Blends (nd, sp, mp)
Writing:  Writing Questions
Math subtraction to 10

Week of Sept. 24-28
Language Arts:
Diagraphs  sh,-th
Vowel sound in ‘ball’
Main Idea
Making Predictions
Writing: Nouns
Math: subtraction to 20

Helping Hands at Home:

Please log on to www.portaportal.com for additional online resources to help your child develop academically.  To get visitor access enter:  nancymoore (no space)

www.raz-kids.com –your child may have already brought home log-on information (Mrs. Christopher’s and Mrs. Moore’s classes will be bringing it home this week)

First Grade needs dontations for Fall Festival. We need canned pop and breakfast items.

Field Trip Oct. 17th to McConnell Springs and Living Arts and Science Center