The First Grade Team is excited
about the upcoming Western Fall Festival on September 28th! However, we need your help to make it a
success for our students. There are two ways
that you can get involved:
“Hop on Pop”- The first grade teachers will be
introducing a fun, new game in honor of the late, great Dr. Suess, at the
Carnival this year. For this game we
need donations of canned pop. (Generic
pop is wonderful…more for the money!)
Please send in these donations by Tuesday, September 25th.
“Cock-a-doodle doo, Good Morning to you”- The first grade team will also be
putting together breakfast themed baskets to be sold at the Silent Auction
during the Fall Festival. We would love
donations of breakfast items. Ideas to
get you started are pancake mix, coffee, hot chocolate mix, jams, mini boxes of
cereal, muffin mix, etc. Be creative! Donations due by Tuesday, September 25th.
Donations to both of these
projects benefit your child
because all proceeds from the
game and the baskets come right back to the first grade team. All money raised will be used this school
year for the purchase of new reading materials for our first graders.